Preparing your home for the rainy season
Preparing your home for the rainy season

Autumn to do list
With Autumn comes a change in rainfall patterns and we certainly hope this means rain for our drought stricken farmers. However, it also means that it’s time for homeowners and landlords to get prepared. Autumn and Winter can bring rain, winds and slippery fallen leaves. A little planning can go a long way to keeping homes comfortable and dry. More importantly, preparation can make a home safer and prevent costly damage.
Get your roof ready – Roofs are perhaps the most important part of the home to prepare for the rainy season. Nothing ruins the atmosphere of a warm and toasty house faster than a leaky roof. Search for cracks and missing tiles to make sure you’re not exposed to any moisture leaks.
Clean your gutters – clean out all gutters and down pipes
Keep cold air out – lower your heating bills this Winter by stopping drafts and covering windows
Top up insulation – get an assessment of your roof insulation it may need a top up.
Watch out for trees – overhanging branches should be cut back from the windows, roof and house.
Be smart with water – turn off watering systems to save water.
Install water tanks – forward thinking property owners may want to harvest water over Winter for Spring and Summer
Air your linen – air your doonas and blankets before the Winter sets in.
After you trim your dead wood and trees, chip the trimmings and top up the mulch on garden beds to save water in Spring and Summer.
Easter long weekend is a great chance to do all those left over jobs from last Spring. So, if you are not going away, make a list now and use the four day weekend to get things checked off before Winter.
When daylight savings ends, check all batteries in smoke detectors and don’t forget those that are hard wired because if the power ever goes out, you need battery back up..
For up to date information on what’s happening in real estate in Melbourne, contact Janet at or 0418 101 146.
Home maintenance, Investment property, Landlords, Real Estate News & Opinion